Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Hallowe'en!

The boys are all revved up for a big night of Trick or Treating. Cal is dressed up as a skeleton, and Matthew as a cat burglar. Both in black head to toe - should be a fun evening keeping track of them in the dark and the rain.

Last weekend one of our neighbours had a Hallowe'en party. It was a lot of fun for both adults and kids. I made four different patterned cookies to take along. I have to admit that I was a little overzealous and it was kind of painful getting them all done. Oh well, I'm unlikely to learn any useful lesson from this as I'm sure I'll have forgetten the pain by next year.

Thankfully there weren't many colours, and aside from the Jack 'o lanterns, the icing part didn't take too long. My favourites were the spider and web cookies - they were simple, but they did involve planning ahead a number of days. I like to bake the cookies a day before I ice them to prevent fat from bleeding through the icing. And I wanted to add black sprinkles to make the spiders "hairy" so I had to allow an extra day for the white base to dry. It was worth it in the end, and the sprinkles gave the icing extra crunch that the kids loved.

I guess next up is Christmas cookies. I'm looking forward to these as this summer I bought these really awesome cookie cutters to make cookies that can stand up. Like a Rudolph with two sets of legs and a body that you bake separately and then assemble into a 3D creature.

I'm sure I'll be on here cursing them before you know it!

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