Thursday 14 February 2013

Tasty valentine!

The boys, being boys, hate Valentine's Day. Or at least they hate being forced to fill out those little paper valentines that kids exchange in grade school. I decided I'd skip that torture this year.

But I felt like I should do something to mark the day. Every year the kids have parties in their classrooms, and we get a note home that snack donations are welcome. So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and roll the party treats and valentines into one.

I baked a batch of rolled sugar cookies on sticks for the kids to give out to their classmates. They're really easy to make - after you roll and cut the dough, just flip the cut shape upside down and insert the stick so it goes about half-way up the cookie. Then take a small scrap of dough and mould it over the stick so it's completely covered. Put the cookie right side up on the baking sheet and bake as normal.

Matthew didn't want to hand out hearts, but he did want to take cookies for his friends as they've been jealously eying the ones I've been packing in his lunch every day. We agreed on snowflakes. And as for Cal, he's been complaining that his friends have been making fun of him about the heart shaped cookies in his lunch so I figured he'd want snowflakes too, but he wanted hearts on a stick for his class. That kid is impossible to figure out.

I baked the cookies on Tuesday and then left them overnight. I've discovered that if you use royal icing on freshly-baked cookies the fat from the cookies can bleed through.

Four dozen cookies later, and I called it a day. I left the cookies out to dry overnight, and then packaged them individually in little cellophane bags for the kids to take to school.

I had more cookie dough than I had sticks, so I made a few extra hearts using the icing I had left over from the weekend. I may send them in to the teachers. Or I may scarf them down myself!

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